Small Business VoIP Phone Systems

Do You Want to Know What VoIP Technology do for Your Promising yet Cash-Strapped Growing Business? Discover how investing in a top-tier VoIP phone system can dramatically boost your business by improving your services, saving you time and money, and more.   Small business VoIP phone systems aren’t luxury items for entrepreneurs who have cash to […]

Do You Want to Know What VoIP Technology do for Your Promising yet Cash-Strapped Growing Business?

Discover how investing in a top-tier VoIP phone system can dramatically boost your business by improving your services, saving you time and money, and more.  

Small business VoIP phone systems aren’t luxury items for entrepreneurs who have cash to burn. They can do wonders for every single growing business by enabling you to save time and money, offer the same level of customer service provided by large, established organizations, and much more.

Small Business Telephone Services

Small Business Telephone Services By SureTel

Recent statistics show that small business VoIP phone systems offer the following:

  • Huge savings on local and international calls. Because VoIP phone systems use the internet instead of traditional phone lines, companies can save up to 40% on local calls and a whopping 90% on international calls. As an added benefit, you’ll also save up to 30% on teleconferencing.
  • Easy-to-use integration options that allow you to integrate your new phone system with commonly-used business apps such as Office 365, Salesforce, and Zoho. Given this fact, it’s no wonder that those who use VoIP phone systems report a 20% rise in productivity.
  • Fantastic customer service possibilities that put you on par with large, international corporations. Small business VoIP phone systems enable you to set up a call menu to direct customers and potential customers to those who can best answer their questions and address their concerns.
  • The ability to communicate clearly and efficiently with anyone, anywhere, at any time. With a VoIP phone system, you’ll be able to communicate with business partners, suppliers, contractors, employees, customers, and potential customers at any time, from any place. The system works not just on a regular stationary phone but also on your mobile device and laptop computer. Allowing you to stay in touch with those you work with even if you’re not in your office.

Getting Started With SureTel’s Phone Services For Small Businesses

Are you ready to switch your old-fashioned business phone for a new, more efficient alternative? If so, it’s time to get to know some of the options and get professional help to set up and manage your new VoIP service.

There are plenty of VoIP options but growing businesses that are looking for top-notch hardware at a reasonable cost will find that SureTel’s VoIP services offer high-quality assistance and flexible costs that make it easy to switch over to VoIP with busting the company’s IT budget. We stand out not only for providing consistent, reliable service but also for offering a unique shared call package that allows you to pay according to the number of simultaneous phone calls you need rather than the number of devices you have.

Another benefit of working with SureTel is that we provide all our customers with one-on-one service implementation and support. You never have to struggle with setting up your new VoIP system and getting it up and running because we’ll do it all for you. What’s more, we’re always on call in case you run into issues and need professional support and advice.

Test Drive Our Small Business Telephone Services For Free

Ready to get started? Go ahead. Test drive SureTel free for 30 days. No contracts, no hassles, no obligations, no stress. To sign up for your free 30-day test drive, use the form on the right, speak with our website chat agent, send us an email or pick up the phone and call us at (503) 420-5110.